Blacktop Paint Project

Since last summer - Mr. Harvey, Ms. Tiba and a staff committee have been hard at work planning a large-scale blacktop paint project to have additional blacktop recess options for the lower elementary, upper elementary and basketball blacktops. The goal of this project was to provide our students at Lindbergh - as well as members of the community - new and exciting locations to explore the mental and physical benefits of outside play.

This was a several phase project: 1) Collecting funds for the project and creating a planning team 2) Purchase/receive donations for stencils, paint and painting materials 3) Recruit volunteers 4) Cleaning and preparation 5) Paint and cleanup

On Saturday, May 6th and Wednesday, May 17th Lindbergh staff, family and community members came together to help with this large paint project. We’d like to say a special thank you to our AMAZING volunteers: John Harvey, Zainah Tiba, Liv Morgan, Chad Morgan, Johanna Cameron, Lynn Totsky, Ahlam Beydoun, Colleen Noe, Yazmin Gerardo, Jacob Sabo, Chastity Townsend, Jessica Corbin, Chris Corbin, Lana Donnelly, Zeinab Ball, Katie Habhab, Sandra Miller, Lisa Stack-Frizzell, Melissa Kreger, Carla Stetz, Mary Robey, Louise Hickson, Laura Polidori, Sirena Turfe, Aimee Carmichael, John Zadikian, Sabrina Evans, Dan Fayad, Morgan Pircer, Jasmine Leciejewski, Kim Beckwith, Katie Hetrick, Ali Ahmad, Shereen Anani, Jesse Frizzell, Ameena Baydoun, Nicole Assad, Mariam Abbas, Tomas Sustek, Brandy Ahmed & Rami Farhat.

With the numerous, new opportunities for our students to explore, the PE program and classroom teachers can expand on ways to keep our students active and moving during recess.

“I really appreciate the unwavering support to make this happen for our students and neighborhood community. It’s amazing to see the results come to light from a couple sketches on paper to the space we have now. Thank you for your time, effort and willing to get a little messy to make this happen.” - John Harvey

Lastly, a big thank you to our sponsors: Dearborn Education Foundation, Lindbergh PTA and Parkway Dodge Chrysler and Jeep.

Have a fabulous day Flyers!

--Lana, Katie, Zeinab, Lisa & Sandra


Variety Show


Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week