Get Involved!

There are many opportunities to help with events and activities throughout the year. For each event, look for Signup Genius links to sign up for a shift or donate an item. It’s a great way to support our school, students & staff!

Please consider filling out the form linked below to let us know you are interested in volunteering your time and if you have any special interests. If you’ve already signed up at open house or a meeting, you don’t need to submit a form - you’re all set.

We also have openings for event chairpersons from time to time. Please see the list on the open positions page and if interested, you may use the form to express your interest and we will contact you directly to discuss the role further.

Oh and it’s really important you abide by our code of conduct as a PTA Member. You can view that, here.

Get involved! If you are interested in more information about volunteering at any level, click HERE.

If you have an hour a month or several hours a week available, YOU can make a difference at Lindbergh.